Thursday, September 9, 2010


This post is a bit off topic/trend for the theme of this blog, but this man has got me so ticked off that I need to vent about it. I am referring to that piece of human trash who calls himself a "christian". Yes, I am referring to that "pastor" in FL who wants to burn Korans on the anniversary of 9/11. What is wrong with this man? Seriously?

Burning a holy book that millions worldwide find sacred is just rude and ignorant. Don't get all up in my business about 1st amendment rights, I get it, I support them. What I don't support is this a-hole sending out a message that the world will see and will then perceive to be the view of all Americans when in fact it is the view of this maniac and his 30 followers.

To top it off, advocating doing this on the anniversary of 9/11 is just plain inconsiderate. I will bet anything that this man has never even been to New York City and that he sits there in his small little town espousing his narrow-minded views to poor souls who don't know any better. If this man moves forward with this asinine plan he will be putting all Americans at risk both domestically and abroad. He will also further fuel the fires of hatred of the small minority of extremist Muslims. But what does he care? This man can spout all the hate he wants, he's not putting his own life in danger. Do you think terrorists will fly a plane into his church? Or plant a bomb in the middle of his town? Or send people into his public transportation system with the intention of killing themselves and as many others around them as possible? I can tell you the answer--No. They will come to one of the major US cities and harm innocent people all because this misguided ignoramus wanted attention. Or worse they will take it out on Americans abroad or our troops who are working so hard.

This country was founded on the principle of religious freedom, for this man to call himself an American much less a christian is just wrong.

I hope for all of our sakes that this plan is halted before this man is allowed to further endanger our lives and global reputation.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Things I Didn't Get to Say to You Last Night

I don't think you're a bad person. In fact, when we were together you were one of the kindest, sweetest, and most generous people I've ever known. However, when we weren't together you didn't treat me as well, and I deserve more. You didn't wish me a happy valentine's day, and you weren't a good communicator despite multiple conversations saying that it was something that needed to be improved.

You were an important part of my life and you changed me in ways you will never truly know, but for which I will always be grateful. I am so glad that I met you and that I was able to have you in my life for the past 5 months. I will miss you. I will miss our friendship. I will miss O. I will miss your horrible taste in TV shows. I will miss the way you smell. I will not miss the thing that ultimately became a deal breaker, and I hope you keep things under control. I want only good things for you.

When I gave you a hug goodbye, I couldn't summon the words I needed to say, so I hope the hug conveyed my thoughts to you. But in case it didn't, what I wanted to say was: Thank you. Good luck. I will miss you. I wish you good things and a good life. I don't want to say goodbye to you, but this is the right thing for both of us. And even though it's trite, I truly hope that someday we can be friends, because I like having you in my life; but if we can't be friends know that I will always be thankful for having known you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year

I was doing some cleaning over the holidays and I came across a list I made last April on the eve of my bow from the restaurant world and realized that there may be something to this idea of making lists. On it I had said that in one year I wanted to be in a new job, living on my own, re-engaging old friends and in a stable relationship. Now, I'll be honest, I wrote that list and looked at it maybe once after I wrote it, but I was surprised to see that 9 months later I have accomplished nearly all of the things on it or am on my way to accomplishing them.

So, that got me thinking that I should start a new list to see what I can accomplish this year. I don't want to call it "resolutions" (as in the New Year's variety) because that will last me all of about a day and I never wrote those down anyway (perhaps why I never kept them...hmm...). I want to make my list 3-4 major things I can accomplish this year.

So I guess that's my resolution this year: that I'll make a list and stick it in a drawer and check back 12 months later to see how I'm doing. Seems like a good resolution to me. Check back in 12 months to see how I did!